Summer Stew

Today is a fun day as it's my very first guest post over on my lovely friend, Lauren's blog. She has a really sweet blog full of all sorts of interesting reads, giveaways and fun photos of their travels so I'd definitely check it out if I were you.

When I think stew, it conjures up images of chilly winter days, big cardigans and a huge bowl of something warming but this Chorizo and Butter Bean Stew with Lemon Cous Cous, is what I'd consider a summer stew, if there ever was such a thing. The Mediterranean flavours would be really nice on a warm Summer evening with a glass of wine. For the full recipe skip on over to Aspiring Kennedy.


  1. i saw this recipe on Lauren's blog ... looks delicious! Is the recipe for 2 servings?

    1. Hi! Sorry I left that info out. It's serves for very generously!
