a nice surprise
One of the great things about having a blog is you get a peak into what people like to look at and read about. It’s fun because sometimes there are some real surprises. You may remember my DIY geometric necklaces I posted back in August. I have to say this post continues to surprise me! The amount of traffic this one DIY project has generated for my blog is crazy, especially when you compare it with all my other posts. It’s been repinned to excess and even pinned by some bloggers I really admire and follow daily (one of those exciting moments when you try to play it cool but really you're squealing on the inside). I’ve had lots of emails from people asking for advice on making them which has been great and I was even asked to visit a school to give this tutorial in person. All of this from a DIY inspired by Fimo modelling with my Mum and executed whilst on a British Seaside holiday. Pretty funny! Today I came across this post which put a big smile on my face. Brit + Co is a great blog full of so many fun DIY ideas amongst other things. To inspire people to get making, each month they put together Brit Kits which have all the materials needed for the most popular DIY’s. You can subscribe and get them sent straight to your door. What an awesome idea! This month my geometric necklace idea is among the pins chosen to be voted into next months box. So if you’ve enjoyed my tutorial at any stage please do have a look and like or repin it on their 'Projects to DIY for' Pinterest page. There are lots of quirky and creative ideas on this page, by some really talented bloggers who frequently inspire me and might inspire you too.

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