*Waking up to guaranteed sun
*Complimentary mezzes...surprise!*Opening my curtains to mountain views
*Being able to swim lengths in the outdoors until my legs feel like jelly
*Baklava dripping with honey
*Late night Lagretto games
*Spending entire days with the hubby
*For it to be totally acceptable to have homemade cocktails every night
*Spectator mountain goats lining the roads
*Ditching wheels for a rudder
*Over friendly stray Turkish dogs
*Endless reading time
*Forgetting what day it is
*The smell of suncream
*Freshly caught fish on my plate and in my belly
*British safety (never thought I'd grow to love our over cautious health & safety policies)
*The beautiful flat landscapes of Shepherds Bush. Not a hair raising, barrier-lacking mountain road in sight.
*Our church family, much missed!
*Supermarkets selling cured meat in a colour spectrum that doesn’t verge on magenta
*Freshly caught fish on my plate and in my belly
*British safety (never thought I'd grow to love our over cautious health & safety policies)
*The beautiful flat landscapes of Shepherds Bush. Not a hair raising, barrier-lacking mountain road in sight.
*Our church family, much missed!
*Supermarkets selling cured meat in a colour spectrum that doesn’t verge on magenta
*Being able to flush my toilet paper down the toilet rather than putting it in an unhygienic little bin, yuck!
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