We remember this at Easter but really we can give thanks every day that Jesus conquered death once and for all on the cross. God loved us and blessed us but rather than acknowledging our maker, we have all turned away from him. Our selfishness has ruined the earth we live on and created a massive barrier between us and God. Instead of getting what we deserve he showed us amazing love and grace in sending his Son to live the obedient life we never could and dying the death that we deserve. He took our punishment even though he was betrayed, mocked and ridiculed all the way to the cross.
Jesus wasn't just a good man; he was either the son of God sent to save us or a total nutter who voluntarily died an excruciating death for no reason! Who do you think he was? On Easter Sunday we remember how he rose from death and offered us new life in him. God always had a plan to save us from ourselves and on the cross all those promises came true. He longs for you to accept that you can't save yourself but instead put your trust in Jesus. Through him you can be forgiven and enjoy a relationship with your creator! This is the best news you'll ever hear because there is no way we can earn favour with a perfect and holy God. Even our kindest actions are tainted by selfishness.
Too often we are looking all around us, desperately trying to find hope, happiness and fulfilment in the things of this world but it doesn't take too long before we realise these things never deliver the satisfaction they promise. But Jesus does and if our trust is in him alone, we receive an inheritance that lasts forever. Without Jesus we all deserve eternal punishment for how we've rebelled against a loving God but with him we have also defeated death and will live on in a world made new. This time there will be no sin to mess it up and we will give God the worship he deserves! Everything thing will be as it should.
If you'd like to make your own canvas you can download the artwork here and send to any canvas printing company. I used My Picture as it was really reasonable.