print workshop
This wonderful creation of a book is by Yellow Owl Workshop and is full of all sorts of printing ideas. There are templates for each project and many of the ideas don’t require extensive equipment. Below are just a few of the techniques it covers. Nick bought me this for my birthday and I can’t wait to find some time to get stuck in and try them out. If you love print I definitely recommend this book finds a home on your bookshelf.
Oh how I miss printing! My degree was in Surface Pattern Design and Printed Textiles and unsurprisingly that involved a fair amount of print. I some what took for granted the access I had to printing facilities at uni and now frequently wish I could be back there without my lazy student attitude. I especially miss screen printing as I’ve always been of the opinion that everything looks better when it’s screen printed. Don’t argue, it’s true. So you can imagine how excited I was when I got a StencilPro printing set all the way from America for my birthday, courtesy of my very generous in-laws. It’s essentially the same as screen printing but you use StencilPro sheets instead of silk screens, sunlight instead of a bulb to expose it and water instead of nasty chemicals. So I’m eagerly awaiting a free weekend to have a go. I’ve already been planning lots of lovely projects in my head but as usual I’m about 6 months ahead of myself!
I think creative people always have the next 6 or more projects in their head. I think I might need another room for mine! Your brother-in-law is excited about you screen printing - I think he might be after a tshirt :o)