paper appreciation
Here are some goodies from Rifle Paper Co. I've been seeing quite a bit of them out an about in smaller independent shops recently and have unashamedly fallen in love with their charming painterly style and limited colour palette. I am doubly happy to see their use of hand drawn text! Too often designers get lazy and use fonts that masquerade as handwritten typography (something I even succumb to when time is short), but a bit of extra time makes the end result so much more personal. You may be thinking I'm a bit of a font snob and, well... you'd be right. Have a look at their website to see some more papery goodness!
Oh dear oh dear, your blog will no doubt cause me to be in debt by the end of the year if you continue to plug so many beautiful creators of stationery! I really enjoy your blog, hope that you and Mr Muncey are both well!